Friday, December 2, 2011

Amway's Global Grasp by Mihir Parikh AJ

View The Path of Nutrilite in a larger map


  1. Nice Map! You do a really clear job of showing the distribution of Nutrilite distribution globally. Just a few little nitpicks: Why is the one distribution center on the East Coast blue? Why not these yellow like all the other ones?
    And then, is the one manufacturing plant in California the only one?
    And finally, what are the New Zealand and South America distribution centers connected to?

    Just a reminder that this should tell a story, and for the most part I get yours, but I do get a little lost with so many different symbols going on. I think the lines are really clear and the yellow distribution centers and trees for farms are clear, the random other three symbols that there are only one of kind of distract when it's not clear how they are different. So overall, really good, don't add to much more, just refine and clarify would be my advise!

    -Kesley Price

  2. Wow, your map is very thorough. I like how you explained so clearly where all the ingredients come from. That helps to show the global connections of a single product. One thing is, I was unclear what "distribution center" meant - is that like a retail center? If not, are there retail centers, and where?
    It might be good to have some lines connecting all of the centers to other points so they aren't just floating. Otherwise, looks great. I can tell you put a lot of work into it!

    Ashley Davidson
